The Question of Human Nature

If that message can be conveyed to politicians, they will no longer have a reason (or even an excuse) not to engage with us in open and honest debate about not only whatmust be done to change the world for the better,but what doing it will cost.

I’m now going to do something I’ve never done before on a public platform. I’m going to say a few words about GOD.

In my view of the scheme of things, God is the name that can be given, I think shouldbe given, to the potential goodnessinside each and every one of us human individuals. God so defined is a Prisoner in Man.And it’s my belief that the prime responsibility of each and every human being is to liberate that prisoner.

If enough of us do that, and then encourage others to do it, creating a better, more fair and peaceful world will notbe a mission impossible.

I want to bring these brief remarks to a close with an observation about events in the Middle East and their global fall-out.

It’s long been my view that the Palestineproblem is the cancerat the heart of international affairs and will consume us all if a cure for it continues to remain beyond the reach of politics and diplomacy. At the present time, I fear that we areon course for a Clash of Civilisations, Judeo-Christian v Islamic.

That said I want to make two pleas for understanding.

The first is for understanding of the difference between Judaism and Zionism.They arenotas most people have been conditioned to believe, or assume, one and the same. They aretotal opposites.

· Though there isn’t time for me to explain why here today, knowledge of this difference is the key to understanding many things? not only who must do what and why for justice and peace but, also, why it isperfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist(meaning anti Zionism’s colonial enterprise) without being anti-Semitic, and why it is wrong to blame all Jews for the crimes in Palestine of the few.

The second plea I want to make is for understanding of what, really, is driving and sustaining violent Islamic fundamentalism. The key to understanding here is the hurt, anger and humiliationof the Palestinian, other Arab and Muslim masses. And this hurt, anger and humiliation has a prime cause.

· It is American (and other Western) arrogance of power and support (by default or design) for the Zionist (not Jewish) state Israel right or wrong.

It follows, surely, that there is one way, and one way only, to win the so-called “war” against Islamic terrorism; and that is by addressing the root causes of it.

I’ll conclude by telling you that I think creating a more just and peaceful worldwillremain a mission impossible if the root causesof all conflicts, and the struggle for Palestine in particular, are not addressed. I believe they can be addressedbecause the so-called ordinary citizens of nations are not nearly as stupid as they are assumed by politicians and the mainstream media to be.

So let’s get down to the business of liberating The Prisoner, the good or God in all of us!

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