Judaism and Zionism: A Divorce In the Making…?

Then there is what I believe to be the main reason for the silence of most Jews. Deep down, perhaps only in their sub-consciousness, they believe, because of their history and Zionist conditioning, that Holocaust II is a real possibility. In that light they see Israel as their refuge of last resort, their insurance policy. So, they tell themselves, do nothing and say nothing that could assist Israel’s enemies and put that insurance policy at risk.

The irony, perhaps the most tragic irony in all of human history to date, is in the fact (perhaps I should say probability) that if they continue to support Israel unconditionally and continue to be silent on Israel’s policies of oppression, the Jews of the world, in America and Europe especially, will lay themselves open at some point to a charge of COMPLICITY IN ZIONISM’S CRIMES. And that would greatly assist the transformation of anti-Israelism into anti-Semitism… This is the essence of the case for saying that the Jews of the world have a vested SELF-INTEREST in distancing themselves from the Zionist monster.

Question: Will they ever do so in big enough numbers to cause Judaism and Zionism to go their separate ways?

If reason based on the facts as they actually are in Israel/Palestine was allowed to prevail, the combination of self-interest and moral necessity ought to be enough to guarantee a “Yes” answer. But could it be that it’s already too late because most Jews of the world, conditioned by their history and Zionist propaganda, are and will remain beyond reason on the matter of justice for the Palestinians?

I don’t pretend to know the answer to this question. I am only asking it.


Under the headline Eradicating Israel, Gideon Levy’s latest article in Ha-aretz ought to be required reading for all Jews everywhere. It includes this:

“With the exception of a few anti-Semitic players, marginal and deluded, no one thinks about it (eradicating Israel). It is only we Israelis who cling to the concept: Caution, annihilation ahead… A highly armed regional power, with nearly every kind of weapon at its disposal, economically and scientifically advanced, recognized by most of the countries in the world, a member of nearly every important international organization and with global influence that far outstrips its size, an ally of the world’s sole superpower, claims that its existence is under threat. That’s bullshit.”



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  1. Rehmat:

    Historically, Zionism is more closure to Nazism than true message of Torah. Both Zionism and Zionism are based on the superiority of their race and culture. Both survived on the mass propaganda of their lies and military power.

    A great majority of Jews still support Jewish rights over Jerusalem, Judea and Samara. Some of Jews who do criticize the Zionist regime, don’t meant to be against Israel but its occupation more Arab lands after the 1967 war.

    I don’t think the Israeli rulers give a damn what the American Jews think about Israel, as long as pro-Israel lobby groups have control over the Congress, Senate and the White House – and I think these powerful institutions are divorcing Israel in the near future.

    On January 27, 2014, Israel National News reported the discovery of an important document which proves that several Jewish organizations in British mandated Palestine collaborated with the German Nazis.

    “The Kfar Etzion Field School conducted a study into the acquisition of the land from the ‘El Hahar” real estate company in the 1930’s. To their amazement they uncovered a letter of S. Glazer, one of the company’s representatives, requesting from the Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler permission to sell pieces of land to German Jews, and then approve their immigration to Palestine. In return, Glazer promised to deposit 100,000 pounds in Germany’s account for the purchase of German goods to bring into Palestine,” said the newspaper.


  2. Ira Krause:

    for a better understanding of the first ten chapters of Genesis
    for Jews as well as others to read and discover wisdom and
    understanding http://www.idamingle.com and share

  3. David:

    Jews of the world have had a vested self-interest in Zionism from the first. Most commentators recognize that Zionism is anti-Diaspora, it is a return to the ghetto only one a grander scale. This call for to create an exclusive ghetto in Palestine does not derive from the bad experience of diaspora (ie. Holocaust) but it present throughout Jewish history. I consider it plain that ghettos were built and sustained by the Jewish people, not the gentiles among whom they lived. At the very least, it is ambiguous who actually built the ghetto walls. One way or another, Jews define themselves by who they are not, by negation. They are adamantly even stridently not gentiles, but something else, the “chosen,” distinct and separate. It is only the negation that defines Jewishness (Atzmon). Once it is gone as through assimilation in the US there is nothing left that is distinctly “Jewish” except chicken soup. I accept this as more true than not.

    Rather than taking Jews out of the ghetto, Zionism simply at perfecting it. Israel is the result of Jewish racism, the inability to accommodate others AND remain “Jewish.” Alan is right that Zionism never had a moral compass. It was an excuse, a rationalization for racism as the basis for the survival of “Jewishness.” The Ashkenazi who rule Israel want to attract other Ashkenazi to Israel, not more Ethiopians or Moroccans. They want people JUST LIKE THEMSELVES to come to Israel and worship the State as an end in itself (hmmm….sounds familiar, no?). How can they attract other valuable Ashkenazi as long as there are Arabs around, next door, down the street, these “dirty” Arabs? Obviously, they cannot so the Arabs must go. It’s that simple — plain supremacism resulting in racism resulting in a monolithic and fascist state.

    Jews who support Israel are simply idolators worshiping a false god, a temporal deity who kills people, blunders, lies and cheats. This is not the G*d that Yahweh became through Judaism, it is an alien creature, bristling with arms just to say “We’re special!”

    I’ve long thought that the practice of state worship in Israel should adopt the name “Zudiasm” so that the rest of us can practice and restore some of the remnants of Judaism after the Zionist fiasco.

    I wish to reiterate my main point: Israel is racist not Zionist. The Zionism is just an ideological cover for the gut feeling of so many of my landsmen.

  4. unnamed:

    In the paragraph following the heading ‘Ethical Zionism?’, you quote the Zioinist mantra as “a land without people for people with land”. I think there is a mistake here; it should be ‘for people without land’.

  5. Dodo:

    Another gem. So glad to see that reports of the imminent demise of your site were vastly exaggerated.
    And cheer up, chaps. We’re already beginning to witness the first timid stirrings of the divorce between Jewishness (as in simply being Jewish, period) and PsychoIsraelism (as in “Israel-right-or-wrong…or else!”). With a bit of luck we may live to see the serving of the (nisi decree)papers.
    Keep them coming, Alan.

  6. Ronald Douglas Kennedy:

    Refuge children and there Palestine families, now bleeding out. Gives the continuing death testimony of Zionism.

  7. Franz Seiler:

    As the scholastics (medieval sages, philosphers) found out: “Ex falso sequitur aliquid.”
    Put in today’s English: If you make something (logically) wrong the basis of your reasoning, thinking, acting then anything you deduce logically from it is right (however preposterous it may be (“materially”)!
    From antiquity there is the famous example of the “Sophist” “Menon of Pharsalos” (ca. 423 – ca. 400). From Hermann Diels, “Fragmente der Vorsokratiker” I’ve translated this: “Nothing pre-exists; if there does we cannot perceive it adequately; if we can perceive it adequately we cannot communicate it adequately…..” Is there any doubt some place that this basis of Menon is a logically (and materially) wrong basis for one’s reasoning, thinking, acting ???
    Menon has been reported to mean to “conquer the world” on this basis….. (was he intrigued to try this by “the freedom of deducing” on this wrong basis?) We know that the attempt to live on this basis led him into desaster. What are the details, circumstances that made him betray the generals of his (Greek) army?? ….. Such a behaviour can perhaps logically be correctly deduced from the clearly wrong basis cited????!!!!!……
    Do the preposterous data in Franz Kafka’s “Der Prozess” point to a logically wrong basis from which the reasoning, thinking, acting in the book starts?
    Do the preposterous data in George Orwell’s “1984″ point to a logically wrong basis from which the reasoning, thinking, acting in the book starts?
    A text that states that “all texts are invalid” is clearly invalid, wrong, does clearly make itself logically inconsistent!
    An oath that says that “all oaths are invalid” is clearly invalid, wrong, does clearly make itself logically inconsistent!
    Is this “the way out of the fly-glass” that Ludwig Wittgenstein says is the aim of his philosophizing (logische untersuchungen, No. 309)?

  8. David Marchesi:

    another excellent article by a wise GHB.
    An obvious but rarely mentioned point about Israel is that it clearly- unless, perhaps, and even then,the Zionist State takes over all Greater Israel from the Med to the Euphrates (!!)-is simply far too small to accommodate all the world’s Jews. That is, in any case, supposing that the more sensible Jews in the rest of the world really wanted to go there,and had the means to immigrate and prosper in a country which would become a total fortress-state.A militarised nation to an anti-human extent.
    I find it hard to see how more Israelis cannot see the current situation as inexorably leading to a suffocating, truly totalitarian regime, worthy of the odium of people around the world who detest all forms of fascism, militaristic, clerico/religious or more crudely political. Orthodox Jews, I understand, theoretically accept that the State of Israel is contrary to the torah’s teachings.Sadly, the most insane “Zionist” pressure group now is probably the US (etc) “Christian Zionist” lobby, which is nakedly apocalyptic. In a nutshell, the prophetic tradition of Judaism needs to be re-discovered and promoted, not any re-configuration of Zionism.

  9. Graham Griffiths:

    Yes, my hope for an eventual solution to the plight of the Palestinians has always lain with Jewish people themselves, including many within Israel. Norman Finkelstein has been vociferous for some time now about the extensive change in the attitudes of younger Jewish Americans.

    If you consider history, most revolutions, for that’s what a solution to this problem would be, involve some help from the established side, as it were, and I’m becoming more optimistic. Thanks for the encouraging article, Alan; I can only echo Dodo’s compliments.

    By the way, David Goldberg taught me at Salford Grammar School fifty-odd years ago. A very thoughtful character he was then, too and a great influence on many of my friends. It’s so good to see him being one of the modern Jews who have a liberal attitude to the matter and are not afraid to voice it.

  10. Judaism and Zionism: a Divorce in the Making? | Council for the National Interest:

    […] AlanHart.net, 2/17/14 – Way back in October 2001, a prominent and widely respected liberal London rabbi, Dr. David Goldberg, made what I thought at the time was the most remarkable statement ever made by a Jew in the 53 years that had passed since the creation, mainly by terrorism and ethnic cleansing, of the Zionist (not Jewish) state of Israel. He said that Israel’s “colonization” of Palestine had left many Jews “questioning their unconditional support for Israel.” Then this: “It may be time for Judaism and Zionism to go their separate ways.” […]

  11. Judaism And Zionism: A Divorce In The Making…? — Jamiatul Ulama KZN:

    […] 18 February, 2014 Alanhart.net […]

  12. Paul:

    Who know the basic principles of judaism know that can’t have separation of judaism and sionism. The “torah” confirm the supremacy of jews over others peoples, confirmed by the “talmud”. The core of judaism is the sionism.

  13. Steve Meikle:

    Why are you surprised that such a divorce is in the making? Indeed why do you miss that it seems (unless I am misinformed) already to have been made and that long ago? Have you not noticed that many Orthodox Jewish groups have been utterly opposed to Zionism since its very outset.

    I can recommend a website, that of Neturei Karta nkusa.org one among a few I know of, and there are others

    They argue passionately that as the Zionist State was founded by men it was not founded by God and is therefore a counterfeit.

    they hold that there will be a zionist state but only after the Messiah as come and that man has no business running ahead of God’s timetable to produce a counterfeit work which has committed crimes, desecrates Jewish grave sites (among other things) and is secular

    They also insist that they are the majority position as regards religious Jews. I do not know if this is true but if it is that changes the complexion of things immensely.

    I myself oppose the Zionist state for its violations of the Law of Moses whereby they harass non jews within their borders in violation of the Law of Moses.

    Take a look at nkusa.org ‘s site

    I do not believe I have made anything up. I may be misled but am not an inventor of error here

  14. Rehmat:

    This week, the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York banned a scheduled appearance by The New Republic’s Jewish senior editor John B. Judis who in his latest book, ‘Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the origin of the Arab/Israeli Conflict‘ has refuted several of Zionist lies about Harry Truman. Judis is also a “visiting scholar” at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a Jewish group lobbying for Israel.

    The book challenges the Zionist narrative about President Truman’s recognition of Israel in 1948, showing him as a hard-nosed politician trailing in the polls in May of an election year, and being heavily lobbied by American Zionists who then helped ensure his re-election.


  15. Steve Meikle:

    as an example of my point, here is a press release from Neturei Karta Jews United Against Israel

    27 January 2014
    Holocaust Conference, Auschwitz
    Anti-Zionist Rabbis Call Israeli Ceremony at Auschwitz an Affront to the Memory of the Victims

    January 28, 2014 – Berlin

    Orthodox Rabbis, holocaust survivors and descendents of survivors, held a press conference in Berlin yesterday in response to a memorial ceremony, held at Auschwitz by 69 Israeli politicians, who warned of rising anti-Semitism in Europe.

    The Rabbis found it repugnant that the State of Israel, whose founders refused to rescue Jews while the Holocaust was happening, should be commemorating the Holocaust.

    “We survived by hiding in a bunker in Budapest during the Holocaust,” said Rabbi Moshe Dov Beck, 79. “It is well known that the Zionist policy during the Holocaust was that only Jewish bloodshed on a massive scale could help them achieve their state after the war, as a gift from the guilt ridden and sympathetic victors. They provoked anti-Semitism and sabotaged rescue efforts, all for their political goal.”

    “As for today’s anti-Semitism, the Israelis complaining is duplicitous, because the existence of the Israeli State and it’s atrocities is largely the cause. And of course it is obvious, that they reap the benefits – more world anti-Semitism, more Jews immigrate to their state”, said Rabbi Dovid Feldman.

    “The Zionists want the world to believe that they represent world Jewry and Judaism, that is false,” said Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss. “They accuse everyone who criticizes their vile actions of anti-Semitism, that is also a lie. Unfortunately there are those who hate all Jews because they consider Judaism and Zionism one and the same. Thus Zionists bring danger upon Jews and then they present themselves as the saviors of the Jewish people.”

    “The Torah teaches that Jews are in exile by a Divine decree. Jews are required to respect the nations amongst whom they live. The Torah forbids Jews to have their own state. Jews accept the Almighty’s decree and wait patiently for His redemption, without any human intervention. It goes without saying that Jews are forbidden to steal land, kill or expel anyone. Precisely because we experienced the Holocaust, we must learn tolerance and respect for others – not use our suffering as an excuse to oppress others.”

    “Subsequently, this Zionist ceremony is nothing less than a brutal affront to the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust.”

  16. Rehmat:

    Dr. Norman Finkelstein was recently interviewed by Israeli journalist Jamie Stern-Weiner in which Finkelstein claimed that if Mahmoud Abbas accepts John Kerry’s plan, it would be the end of Palestine.


  17. Jewjitsu:

    Why do we need a jew to tell us its wrong?